利力姆 (1934)

  • 法国
  • |
  • 奇幻
  • 片       名利力姆
  • 上映时间1934年04月27日
  • 导       演 弗里茨·朗
  • 剧       情
    ◎ 简  介:   故事发生在19世纪末缅因州的海岸小村,比利是当地一位自命不凡的嘉年华会游乐场的招徕顾客的人。他被前来玩耍的文静姑娘磨坊女工朱丽深深吸引,二人一见倾心,歌曲“如果我爱你”正表达了他们狂热的爱情。不久以后比利便与朱丽结婚。由于经济拮据,朱丽怀孕的消息并...


  • advertisement First Angel: It would be too convenient if death were the end of everything. Liliom Zadowski: Tonight I will see the good Lord. [suddenly becoming anxious] Liliom Zadowski: Will I see Him? [last lines] The Daughter: Mother, did anyone ever hit you? I mean a real slap that you can hear ring, and you didn't feel a thing? Julie: Yes, my child. There was a time when someone hit me, and I didn't feel a thing. The Daughter: Then, it is possible for someone to hit you, and not hurt you at all? Julie: Yes, my child. Someone can beat you, and beat you, without hurting you at all. Liliom Zadowski: Even in Heaven, there's only justice - nothing but justice! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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