

advertisement Jim Woodward: Why do you insist on spoiling a perfectly good New Year's Eve? Geraldine Trent: I haven't! It's hardly midnight. You won't lack company--you didn't earlier this evening... [she plucks a hair from his shirtfront] Jim Woodward: Gerry! That's not like you. Geraldine Trent: [pointing to her head] No. I'm a brunette. Jim Woodward: Besides...I didn't think you noticed it. Geraldine Trent: I tried not to--for some time. Jim Woodward: Oh, ho--after all, my dear: a man must live! Geraldine Trent: I've often wondered why it was necessary in some cases. Jim Woodward: I'm really serious. I really mean it this time, Gerry! Geraldine Trent: Mean what? Jim Woodward: Well, marriage...and...and...all that. Geraldine Trent: No; I'm afraid there's be, uh, too little marriage and too much "all that."


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