The Winning of Barbara Worth (1926)

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The Winning of Barbara Worth
  • 片       名The Winning of ...
  • 上映时间1926年10月14日(美国)
  • 导       演 亨利·金


  • advertisement Barbara Worth: Your dream is coming true. The desert will bloom like a paradise. Willard Holmes: You're wasting yourself here, Miss Worth - like an orchid in a bucket of sand. Barbara Worth: You don't know the desert as I do. It's beautiful. Willard Holmes: Beautiful perhaps for one moonlit night, but if you could see the big cities - if they could see you. Barbara Worth: To redeem the desert - to make it all one garden - isn't that a fine thing to do? Willard Holmes: But you don't belong here among these human cactus plants. Title card: [after a close-up of a dead horse lying in the sand] The withering kiss of the desert. Willard Holmes: This hell-hole will never be anything but a graveyard! You could see it if your brains weren't fried! Abe Lee: Maybe we ain't got the brains - maybe you ain't got the guts! Willard Holmes: [to Barbara] When the fight is won, I'm coming back for you! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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