"The Flying Doctors" (1986)

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  • advertisement [Ron meets codger's outside Vic's bar] Ron Miller: Heard the latest? They got Bradmanout and they sunk the Titanic. Codger # 1: What's that? Ain't a bloke aboard who would ever get Bradman out. [to Tom Callaghan] David Gibson: There's an aging hippie in there somewhere, struggling to get out. [To George Baxter] Dr. Geoff Standish: You know I was told that my predecessor, once dragged you into the lane and punched you into the nose. May I say that I wish I'd had his good judgment! D.J: What does David have that I don't? Paula Patterson: Medical degree.... D.J: Don't tell a Greek what he needs for a barbecue, he invented it. Dr. Tom Callaghan: Everybody in Coopers Crossing gossips. I mean, I'd gossip if I had the time. Nancy Buckley: I did not lie! I just didn't mention it. Dr. Tom Callaghan: Nothing ever changes out here, except the date. Kate Wellings: What's the big thing that happens every Monday at one 'o clock? Dr. Tom Callaghan: The dog outside the pub scratches itself? Kate Wellings: The plane from Broken Hill arrives! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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