
  • advertisement Sybylla: Dear fellow countrymen, just a few words to let you know that this story is going to be all about me. So, in answer to many requests, here is the story of my career... here is the story, of my career...my brilliant career. I make no apologies for sounding egotistical...because I am! Sybylla: I think ugly girls should be shot at birth by their parents. It's bad enough being born a girl...but ugly and clever... Aunt Gussie: Oh, fancy you're clever, do you? Sybylla: I rather hope so. I'm done for if I'm not! Uncle Julius: I see that Furlow has bought himself a very fine bull. Sybylla: That should make a few cows happy! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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