Ojai Bums (2009)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 短片  喜剧
  • 片       名Ojai Bums
  • 导       演 Devin Oatw...




  • advertisement Sebastian: [singing] Ziamah... Ziamahaya... Ziamahaya, Iama Greatest... Douche: Does my Mom know I sell pot. Well, depends on what you mean by 'does she know.' I mean, have I ever, sold her weed? Yes. But, does she know I sell it to other people? I don't know. I don't know if she thinks about those things... Bill: I'm just, I'm just of the belief that, anybody, no matter how insignificant, deserves to... have a documentary made about them, so... since no one else is gonna let me follow 'em around with cameras and uh, document their lives, I decided to make one about me and my friends, so I've, hired some camera people and they're gonna follow us around for the next couple weeks, and uh... I'm really excited, its its like a, social slash philosophical slash psychological... thriller, type thing, so... I'm, I'm stoked and, uh, I hope you like it. Nancy: Those plants in the backyard are only for medicinal purposes! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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