
  • Luke Malloy: I have been living the same day over and over again for I don't know how long. Lola The Lobster: Hello, Walker's Point! Fifteen minutes until showtime! Summer's last hurrah! Diana Malloy: Guys like Meat will "Henderson" incoming wiseguys like you. Luke Malloy: Please, that's such a myth. Diana Malloy: Oh yeah? When was the last time you saw Chris Henderson? Luke Malloy: He moved. Diana Malloy: So they say. Snake: Well, it wasn't a total spazzer, but on the drop, you were like a 403 ride, which if you do the math is like - ... Luke Malloy: Three too many? Snake: AW, you been tapping my blog, brah! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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