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The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell

The Beach Party at the Threshold of ...

2006-06-23(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2006-06-23(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐


Quincy the Robot: We take control of that radio tower, we have control of the communication. Yul the Robot: We take hold of communication we can unify the people.


Tex Kennedy


: World's about to get a shitload brighter. Tex Kennedy: Now, I gotta warn you, this is gonna feel like a million watts of pain, but you gotta go through this and I'm gonna be right here with you. Yurik Schlatz: There's a reason why the empire fell and, Benny, I'm going to make sure it stays down that way. Vincent "Jackle" Remington: We leave at dawn, anyone not with us will be hunted down and gutted like a lizard. Javier Castro: This is the worst place that God ever puked up. Cannibal Sue: Do we have any food? Tex Kennedy: We might, okay? We might, but it's not gonna be human flesh, you gotta learn to eat somethin' different. Cannibal Sue: Just anything, I'm starving. Marcellus St. Joan: [aside] I only wait for the day this farce ends and I can punt your dismembered head across the heavens. Vincent "Jackle" Remington: What? Marcellus St. Joan: What? Nothing Vincent, just, do your breathing excercises... [aside] Marcellus St. Joan: Enjoy breathing while it lasts, you gargled puss. Vincent "Jackle" Remington: What? Tex Kennedy: Hey, Benny! You got some sort of plan, buddy? Benjamin Remington: Don't worry, the plan is in the stars. Tex Kennedy: Great, last time I took a plan from the stars I got fucked.

The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell

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