
解剖外星人 (2006) 5.9

Alien Autopsy

2006-04-07(英国)| 喜剧 科幻| 德国 英国
上映时间:2006-04-07(英国) 类型: 喜剧 科幻
国家/地区:德国 英国 
评分: 力荐

  披露当年罗斯维尔录像伪造事件。   美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔(Roswell)传闻于一九四七年有飞碟坠毁,发现了天外来客。到一九九五年更有一段解剖外星人的片段播出,片长九十一分钟,片名叫《解剖外星人》(Alien Autopsy)轰动全球,后来才被揭发是个惊世骗局。最...更多>


[from trailer] Ray Santilli: It's not a fake, more of a remake. Tradings Officer: Are you saying this is a genuine Toy Story video?


Ray Santilli


: Oh aye, yeah, I've got friends in Hollywood. They loom after me. Tradings Officer: *You've* got friends in Hollywood? Ray Santilli: Yeah. [crosses fingers] Ray Santilli: Me and Mr. Potato Head; we're like that... that's me on top there... Gary Shoefield: The whole world are gonna know we're liars! Ray Santilli: Yer, rich liars though! Voros: Now is what you have told me the truth? [Holding a gun to Ray's head] Ray Santilli: Yes! I swear to you. [Nervous tone] Ray Santilli: Everything I've told you is absolutely true! Ray Santilli: It's not what it looks like. I... I can explain everything. [Gary's sister then collapses on the floor after seeing the alien in her lounge] Melik: I think that's enough for today.


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