
谁也无法抓住Don 根本不可能 这是一个恶棍 狡猾,聪明,无恶不作,心狠手辣 杀人不眨眼的毒品贩子 同时又风流潇洒,叫女人神魂颠倒 这就是Don 他是东南亚警方一直以来都在追捕的人 也是国际刑警的追踪对象 他服务于一个俄罗斯大毒枭 在东南亚以及南亚编织贩毒网络,并运往欧洲 在...更多>


[from trailer] Don: I am the king! [from trailer]




: [singing] Money... my obsession! / Wealth... my addiction! / Fear... my weapon! [laughs] Don: Crazy people, / don't you understand / from the smokes of fear / who I am? [from trailer] Don: I am a wanted man across the world, but you must understand one simple fact... it is not difficult to catch Don, it is impossible! Don: Don's enemy's biggest mistake is that he's Don's enemy. Don: People don't leave Don but the world instead... Don: I should've listened to what mother used to say... other: What did your mother say? Don: When I didn't listen to what she said, how can I tell you? Don: [while playing golf, Don kills a man by swinging a golf ball into his cranium] Don: Now THAT was a good shot! Don: I dislike two types of girls: One, which take too much of time to come to me, and two, which come to me too early. Don: I like Wild Cats Jasjit: I don't hate you as much as I love my son.


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