
暴徒和摩门教徒 (2005)

Mobsters and Mormons

2005-09-09(美国)| 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2005-09-09(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

被FBI威胁,匪帮成员卡米尔为了离开监狱,不得不指证黑帮老大,而他也被杀手追杀。在联邦保护证人计划下,他和妻儿都给了一个新身份, 并搬家到中部犹他州,一个安静的摩门教社区。除了骑马的跑道不错外,卡米尔很失望; 他喝不到一杯好的咖啡。小镇居民对他们反应不一,有人...更多>


Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: I left my... uh... Bible in my other... uh... church. Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: It's rap music these days. Have you heard the names? Puff Daddy... Vincent Pasquale: He changed it to P. Diddy for short. Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: Oh, yeah, like it takes all day to say "Puff". Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: Leave the gun. Take the granola. Vincent Pasquale: This place looks like a whole lot of nothin'. Agent Tuttle: Well it was just a desert waste land when the Mormon pioneers arrived in July of 1846, but under the leadership of President Brigham Young the entire area... Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: You work for the National Park Service or the FBI? Just drive the van G-Man!


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