Desperate Hippies (2005)

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Desperate Hippies
  • 片       名Desperate Hippi...
  • 导       演 Prasad Pau...


  • Hash: Spike got busted, man! He was wanted by the feds for dealing, and that's why he's been hiding out on Weesteria Lane... Mary Jane: Dammit! I wish I would of known... I'm all out. Sensi: Hey, Mary Jane, who's that hottie in my garden? Mary Jane: He's the gardener. Chee: Isn't he a little young, even for you? Sensi: I like them young. They're easier to train. Mary Jane: Trust me, dude, you broke up with that loser you called a boyfriend, like, three weeks ago. That's like, forever. Sensi: So is this guy hot? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 23 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Hash 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • f29 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : Man, he's like sex on a stick. Chee: [bursts in drunk] Oh, my God, you guys, I'm in love! Mary Jane: Damn. You too? I need to start pimpin' the street corner. Mary Jane: I remembered reading on the internet that if I smoked 1,256 bong riffs, the amount of THC would be enough to kill me. Spike: Hey, I like your wheels. Hash: Thanks, it's a hybrid. I think more people should be ecofriendly. Cop: Get out of the car!! Spike: [while being handcuffed] Please, please don't bust me. My parents will kill me! Come on man, it's just weed! Legalize it, don't criticize it! Chee: [drunkenly] What the hell are you doing here, you backstabbing bitch? Hash: Chee, I am far too stoned to get into this right now. Mary Jane: And I'm far too sober. Spike: [while Chee and Hash kick the shit out of each other] Man, this is kinda hot! Sensi: Hey, whatcha growing there? Sam "The Gardener": Promise not to tell anybody... [pulls back a bush to reveal a hidden pot garden] Sam "The Gardener": I got plants in all my customers gardens. Sensi: Sweet! Sam "The Gardener": This one's Purple Kush, and this one's AK-47, and this one here... [Sensi and Sam simultaneously touch the bud] Sam "The Gardener": This one's my baby. I call her Sensimillia. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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