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The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour

The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (2004) 5.9

2004-05-07(美国)| 动画 冒险 喜剧| 美国
上映时间:2004-05-07(美国) 类型: 动画 冒险 喜剧 家庭 奇幻 科幻
评分: 力荐

Fourth in a set of Nickelodeon series crossovers, it's science vs. magic as Timmy Turner (Tara Strong) who's destined to fail at science cla...更多>



Sheen Estabez


: You mean that... Carl Wheezer: Then he's... Sheen Estabez: [screaming] Everything I know is a lie! Timmy Turner: You let Crocker into Fairy World? What kind of genius are you? James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: You let a girl in my lab? What kind of genius are YOU? Sheen Estabez: If the Purple Flurp factory explodes, It'll destroy the whole town! Just look what it did to my teeth! Libby Folfax: Shut it. [Jimmy & Timmy shake each other's hands between universes] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. Timmy Turner: Timmy Turner... Boy. Cindy Vortex: So, what do you think is the hardest part of chess? Timmy Turner: Remembering how that horsey thing moves. James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: [Jimmy is trying to activate Timmy's auto-poofer] Maybe it responds to voice commands. To Retroville! [disappears and re-appears a few feet away] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: Darn it. Maybe I need to go further away. [goes outside the room] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: To Retroville! [disappears and re-appears inside the room] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: OK, maybe further. James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: [leaves the house] To Retroville! [disappears and re-appears in Timmy's room] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: Darn It. [Travels to the Mexican Border] James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: Llevame A Retroville! [disappears and re-appears in Timmy's room] Cosmo: Hola, Senor Fudge-Head. James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: Get out of my lab! Timmy Turner: Why is everything so bulgy? Denzel Crocker: Another reality avoidance costume, eh, Turner? Very well. Since you're clearly Timmy Turner, here's your daily "F"! James Isaac 'Jimmy' Neutron: AAAHHH! An "F"! It burns! [cries in pain] Carl Wheezer: I love this new Jimmy. Sheen Estabez: Yeah. His lack of concern for our safety is refreshing. [Timmy is cornered by Mr. Crocker] Timmy Turner: Look! A child in pain! Denzel Crocker: WHERE? [pulls up a seat and eats popcorn, only to find Timmy tricked him] Denzel Crocker: Hey! There's no child in pain... BUT THERE'S GOING TO BE! Cindy Vortex:


Tell me more about your interests, Timmy Turner. What makes you tick?


The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour

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