"Significant Others" (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名"Significan...
  • 上映时间2004年03月09日
  • 导       演 Robert Roy...
  • 剧       情
    "Significant Others" is an improvised comedy about couples in and out of marriage counseling, taking a hysterically honest look at m...


  • Alex: [Alex is trying to explain something to the spanish speaking maid Carlotta] So I just wanted to talk to you about Rodney. Devon and I are going to take over driving him to school every morning, so you don't have to do it anymore. Carlotta: You're going to go to driving school today? Alex: School, yes. Driving, yes. Carlotta: Driving School. Alex: [Devon enters] Baby, Baby, she's not understanding the driving Rodney to school thing. Devon: Uh. No necesitamos, uh, drive, uh, our chiclet to school. Carlotta: Chiclet is bubble gum. Devon: [to Alex] See there's a couple different types of Spanishes. Carlotta: No, no, no, no. Devon: There's like Castilian and then there's plain old Mexican. James: [James is stuck in a cab in traffic leaving a message for Chelsea] Sweetie, in that last message when I said that you were annoying, I didn't mean that YOU were annoying. So much as it's, it's, the world is annoying sometimes, and you're, you are my world. Connie: He's not a loser who's losing. He's a loser who's winning. Bill: Like George Bush. Ethan: Who's your daddy? Eleanor: You. Ethan: That's weird. Devon: Who's your daddy? Alex: I wish I knew. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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