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"Tripping the Rift"

"Tripping the Rift" (2004) 5.9

2004-03-04(美国)| 动画 喜剧 奇幻| 美国 加拿大
上映时间:2004-03-04(美国) 类型: 动画 喜剧 奇幻 科幻
国家/地区:美国 加拿大 
评分: 力荐


T'nuk: On my home planet, I am considered a creature of elegance and beauty! Chode: Ugh, those must be really ugly people! Chode: Just once, I'd like to time travel and not see Nazis! Darph Bobo: [under his breath] Bitch. Mrs. Bobo: What was that? Darph Bobo: [yelling] I said bitch! There, was that loud enough for ya? T'nuk: [surrounded by aliens who think she is beautiful] Don't crowd me, boys, beauty needs its space! Kubrickian #2: What is going on here? T'nuk: What *isn't* going on here? Kubrickian #1: She is *so* beautiful! T'nuk: No argument here!

"Tripping the Rift"

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