"All Grown Up" (2003)

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  • 动画  喜剧  家庭
"All Grown Up"
  • 片       名"All Grown ...
  • 上映时间2003年10月06日(英国)
  • 导       演 Ron Noble


  • Phil: I wonder what Dil would be like if we never dropped him on his head? Dil: I've got it! A cabinet for people's files! Tommy: You mean a file cabinet? Dil: Oh, yeah. Oh! I got it! White sticky stuff that holds junk together! Tommy: Glue? Tommy: Hey, Dil! What are you doing? Watching the grass grow? Dil: That blade over there's the fastest. Tommy: (walking into Dil's now clean room) AAAH! Hm, I've never seen the floor of your room before. Lil: Eew! Phil farted! Phil: I did not! YOU did! Lil: Did not! It's biologically impossible for girls to fart. Phil: Does anyone wanna be my co-pilot? Dil: Dil, reporting for duty! Phil: Ok, anyone ELSE wanna be my co-pilot? Sean: I don't do manual labor. Sean: Hey, Angelica, do you know if... Angelica: Would I like to dance? I'd LOVE to! [Angelica is teaching Chuckie to lie] Angelica: Plant your feet firmly, look me in the eye, now lose your concience. Ok, here comes an example: You're smart, you'll get it! Chucky: Thanks! Angelica: That was the example. Dil: Sorry about the Belt-Quariums. Tommy: Not your fault Pangborn's a trend-killer. If he'd been around when clothes were invented, we'd all be walking around buck naked! Chucky: I'm fine, really! Who needs to breathe? Tommy: Well, at least we caught up! Chucky: Uh, I don't know how to tell you this Tommy, but I guess just plain English is the best way. We lapped ya. Girl: These shoes are stylin', but I have 5 toes, not one long pointy one! [about Charlotte's new face job] Didi: (under her breath) Remember, we're not supposed to look surprised1 Stu: (under his breath) She started it! Angelica: Teach him to lie? Don't you realize that the ability to lie is something you're born with? Like my perfect nose! Susie Carmichael: See? There's a perfect example. Susie Carmichael: Did you just brake up with Sean? Angelica: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Teenager means never having to explain. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tommy: I saw... the bike. Dil: Is that some sort of secret code? Ok, I ate... the banana. Tommy: I know what to do, I'm a little concerned that i just had a conversation with a poster, but I'll worry about that later. Lil: It's always Phil and Lil, this! Phil and Lil, that! News flash: We're not two heads on one body! I'm a thinking, breathing, independent individual, and he's... PHIL! Angelica: How can I be loved by millions if I play an evil alien? I wanna play a nice alien! NICE! Now get that through your thick skull, or I'm walkin'! Tommy: You're right, what was I thinking, casting you as the evil villain? Angelica: That better not be sarcasm. Lil: [trying to blackmail Phil] Three words, Philip: YOU-KNOW-WHAT. Phil: Here's my three words: YOU-SIGNED-THIS! Lil: I! DON'T! CARE! Phil: YOU! CAN'T! DO! [pause] Phil: that. Chucky: See? Friends are like holidays - you can never have enough. Tommy: [looking at Chuckie trying not to spill a secret] Chuckie, what's wrong with your face? [about Kimi's new bad boy friend Z] Kimi Finster: Dad, what happened to the "Don't judge a book by its cover" speech? Chazz Finster, Drew Pickles, Boris: Well, its different now, because the book is hanging around WITH MY DAUGHTER! Tommy: If that's what being eleven is all about, I'm staying ten till I'm forty. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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