"My Life as a Teenage Robot" (2003)

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  • 动画  动作  喜剧
  • 剧       情
    Debuting on Nickelodeon in 2003, "My Life as a Teenage Robot" follows the escapades of Jenny, a super-powered robot with a super sen...


  • Mrs. Wakeman: Earrings? I designed a state-of-the-art, crime-fighting robot, not some simple mannequin to hang with googols and gimcrackery! Mrs. Wakeman: [dressed as a ninja] Uhh! How do those young Asian men breathe in those things? Jenny: I can't breathe! Mrs. Wakeman: You don't breathe, dear. Jenny: I'll never join the Cluster! Jenny: After all the bad stuff I said... XJ8: That's what sisters are for. XJ6: Oil is thicker than water. XJ4: But so much harder to get out of a carpet. XJ5: A few harsh words aren't going to break up the XJs. Mad Hammer Brother #2: I still can't see why we can't blow up the roller rink. Mad Hammer Brother #1: Because everyone's here, Spaz. Mad Hammer Brother #2: You're the Spaz. Mad Hammer Brother #1: No, you are. Mad Hammer Brother #2: You stink like a monkey butt. Mad Hammer Brother #1: *You* stink like an elephant butt. Mad Hammer Brother #2: *You* stink like a Spaz butt. Jenny: I hate to "Butt" in, but I think it's time for this to end. Mad Hammer Brothers: You're too late, Spazbot! Brad: How am I supposed to LEARN if I'm not PERMITTED to? But try explaining that to my dad. [Brad is at the wheel of a UFO] Tuck: What are you doing? You could get us killed, or vaporized, or grounded! [the UFO takes off] Tuck: Or get us UNgrounded. Teacher: Class, this is neither the time or the place. Please wait until after class to ridicule Jenny about her boyfriend. Jenny: 75 seconds into the new school year, and I'm already a laughingstock. Male Receptionist: Oh, boy. Where to begin... where to begin? First of all, fatty, I'm not bowing down to anyone. Second of all, unless you're here for a supermodel audition you're not seeing anyone's master. Third of all, shoo. [about Jenny's goofy eyes] Mrs. Wakeman: I don't think you look dweeb I think you look very p-hat! Jenny: It's pronounced "fat" mother. Brad: Hey... what're you doing? Jenny: [slamming her stomach container shut] Nothing! Brad: No, I mean you're pigtails. They're... freakin' out. Brad: There is NOTHING wrong with a boy wearing cover-up. Jenny: Sheldon, will you turn the nob on my back, please? Sheldon Lee: YES! Sheldon Lee: Jenny, my love! Tuck: Hello Mrs. Wakeman... [Jenny gives into Tucks demands not to mention the party] Tuck: I just called to say, I love you. Mrs. Wakeman: [over the phone] Excuse me? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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