
  • John Whitney: You put the wrong em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LA-ble. Donna Jensen: I just worry if I really fall in love with Ted, what's going to happen to everything I've worked so hard for? Randy: OK, fine, don't fall in love with him. Donna Jensen: That's kinda where I'm having the problem. Randy: It just takes willpower, is all. I mean, you didn't fall in love with me, did you? Donna Jensen: You're gay. Randy: But, it still took willpower, didn't it? Co-Pilot Steve: You're a pro. You're going places. Donna Jensen: Ya think? Co-Pilot Steve: I'm a pilot. It's my job to know where people are going. Sally Weston: Donna, did I ever tell you about a nasty habit that flight attendants pick up on the job? Donna Jensen: No. Sally Weston: We learn to always keep smiling, even when we're out of Bloody Mary mix. [Addressing the passengers] Sally Weston: Welcome to New York, where the local time is 7:13 a.m. I'd like to personally thank you for flying with us today, and to remind you that the last one off the plane has to clean it. [Donna and Christine are filling out job application forms] Donna Jensen: Oh, my God. Do you dot your "i"'s with little hearts? That's so cute. Christine: Yeah, well, it's my trademark. That and my hickeys. Donna Jensen: You're breaking up with me, in a birthday card? Why? Tommy Boulay: Because they don't make breaking-up cards? John Whitney: You peaked too soon. You're was what we call a "peak to sooner". Sally Weston: Paris, international, first class. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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