电影网>影片资料馆>即将上映影片>S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer


Uncle Billy: You can stick your gun up your ass! Brandon Walker: Did I get him? Tracey: I don't know Brandon Walker: Well go fucking look! Brandon Walker: Holy shit Mark Bell: In a forest, 12 miles from no way, strange noises, dolls without heads, what's next? Man, I've got to find my wife and get somewhere that has some sanity to it! Brandon Walker: Mark, we're looking for her. SUSAN! Tracey: [Mark gets stabbed] Oh my god oh my god! Tracey: Is he dead? Brandon Walker: I don't know Tracey: Oh my god! Tracey: Shut up Tracey! Brandon Walker: ...He's dead Brandon Walker: God damn it Denise! Denise Walker: He's right, you're the one who brought us out here Brandon Walker: [slaps Denise] Look you fucking bitch, you keep your fucking mouth shut, do you understand me? Uncle Billy: How much wood... would a woodchuck chuck... if a woodchuck... could chuck... wood! Brandon Walker: [after Mark's been stabbed] C'mon, let's go Tracey: What about Mark? Brandon Walker: There's nothing we can do for him now George: ONE EYE! Brandon Walker: Have you heard the new ABOP album? Tracey: No, but Shamus did. Brandon Walker: I don't believe you Bartender: I do. Tracey: [yelling at Brandon for smacking Denis across her face] You son of a bitch! Denise Walker: [to Brandon] Nobody hits me! Brandon Walker: [to Tracey about Denise] You're the one that brought this fucking cunt along, not me. I am sick and tired of her shit. Uncle Billy: [to the group] Welcome to Hell, motherfuckers!

S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer

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