Orion's Cloud (2002)

  • 美国
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  • 短片  喜剧
Orion's Cloud
  • 片       名Orion's Cloud
  • 上映时间2002年11月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 Mike Balme...
  • 又       名Orion's Cloud
  • 编       剧 Mike Balme...




  • Diamond: You hear that, Greg? Greg: Yeah, thunder! Diamond: That's right. Thunder only happens when it rains. Greg: Diamond's inside registering for the battle of the bands! Yeah! Devon: Hey, Steele, what Battle of the Bands? Steele: [sarcastically] You know Devon, *The* battle of the bands! [laughs] Devon: [sarcastic and laughing] Oh. Well, I guess we better practice if we want a chance to go up against... Orion's Cloud! Greg: Diamond, you got a guitar! Yeah! Diamond: That's right! Diamond just got this guitar inside, man. It was on sale, and it is signed by Steve Vai! Greg: Awesome! And you registered? Diamond: Nah, man. Diamond bought a guitar; how's he supposed to register? Look - I'll tell you what. Forget about registration because think of this: It's signed by Steve Vai and you know what that means? If we have a guitar that is signed by Steve Vai ... Greg: [looking at guitar] No it's not. Diamond: What do you mean "it's not"? Greg: [looks at Diamond] There's no signature Diamond. Diamond: Man, it says "Steve Vai" right there! [points at guitar] Greg: [looks at guitar again] Where? [Diamond looks at guitar, as does Greg, for an extended amount of time] Diamond: Damn! Diamond: We must show *the world* that Orion's Cloud is the best band in Tampa! Detective Tibbs: [While in his car watching his undercover operation about to go fall apart] Come on! If he doesn't make the buy, all we'll have him on is possession. [Looks around] Detective Tibbs: Who am I talking to anyway? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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