"The Oblongs..." (2001)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 动画  喜剧
"The Oblongs..."
  • 片       名"The Oblong...
  • 上映时间2001年04月01日(美国)
  • 导       演 Joe HorneMike Kim


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  • Milo Oblong: [reading Biff's diary] Ran laps behind Coach at practice. I hope someday to have his perfect buttocks. [flips pages] Milo Oblong: Came in early today. Coach was alone in the jacuzzi. Boring! Helga: Don't shoot or I'll kiss him again! Milo Oblong: She's not bluffing! She'll do it! Her lips are like shark skin! Helga Phugly: Thanks for the hot chow, Milo! [chews food and spits out] Helga Phugly: Your mother should be beaten with an oar. Milo Oblong: It takes some getting used to. Milo Oblong: I'm a CEO with ADD. Helga Phugly: Hello! Am I invisible? I'll arrange a little accident and you'll never see it coming. Milo Oblong: Your armpit is really wet. Helga Phugly: Yeah. This is going to be really sweet. Milo Oblong: What are you doing? Pickles Oblong: Burying beer. Aw, crud. That means I drank gopher poison. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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