暑假历险 (2001)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  家庭  喜剧
  • 片       名暑假历险
  • 上映时间2001年08月30日
  • 导       演 Chuck Shee...
  • 剧       情
    放暑假对于度日如年的熬过了一个学期的学生来说可是生活中最重要的事情了,对于第三街小学的孩子们来说更是如此。现在,他们终于得到解放,可以大玩特玩一番了。但是这个暑假他们过的一点也不轻松,不过却非常刺激。    正当T.J. 德维勒正盘算着如何和他那几个形影不离的...


  • Mrs. Finster: Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone! Gus: Ninjas! Why did it have to be ninjas? Becky: Like, I am so through with him, Melissa. He asked me if I spoke French, then winked at me. [Holding diary out of Becky's reach] TJ: Uh uh uh. I got copies. Now either you give me a ride or this baby hits the internet. Ashley: Got off our planet, alien scum! [after seeing a tractor beam shoot at the sky] Vince: Now that right there. That was messed up. Benedict: All those years, I still thought about you. How you embarrassed me! How you humiliated me! How you destroyed my relationship with Muriel Finster, the only woman I ever loved! TJ: That part still grosses me out, sir. Principal Prickly: Shh. Principal Prickly: I'll let you in on a little secret, Detweiller. Every adult you've ever known was a kid at sometime in his life. You think we don't remember summer vacation? Riding our bikes down the creek. Catching polliwogs in a jar. Camping out under the stars. Well you're wrong! Sometimes I sit there in my office, looking out at you kids in the playground and I think, "They don't know how good they got it. In a few years, they'll be grownups like me and all those good times will be memories for them, too". So go ahead. Put a whoopie-cushion in my chair. Put fake vomit on my carpet. Make fun of my "big, saggy butt". But don't ever say I don't care about summer vacation, 'cause those memories are the last part of childhood I got left. [Principal Prickly and "TJ" are dressed as guards] Principal Prickly: You sure this gonna work, Detweiller? TJ: Come on, Mr. Prickly. Don't you watch old spy movies? This trick is pure gold. (To guard) Uh, Mr. Benedict wanted to see us about a very important matter. Guard: Hey, you two aren't guards! TJ: Ruuuun! King Bob: I, King Bob, as my last official act before entering middle school, hereby anoint this boy here King Freddie the second. [to King Freddie] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : May you boss around all of the kids with fairness. Mrs. Finster: I'm stuck! Curse these bodacious hips of mine! Randall, run back to my place and get the butter! Gretchen: I've been studying the moon with the 200-inch telescope at the observatory, and I've discovered some peculiar eccentricities in it's orbit. Counselor: You know, Gretchen, maybe you should try out one of these neat anti-gravity harnesses. The other kids love 'em, and look - you can do backflips, just like real astronauts. Gretchen: But... [Counselor flips away. Gretchen sighs] Gretchen: Why do I bother? TJ: [from space suit] Because you're driven by a passionate desire for knowledge. Ashley: Hey, remember that summer after the second grade when we went down to the pond every day to catch minnows? Gretchen: Or how about that summer we all carved our initials in that big tree in the Wilson's backyard? Vince: And Spinelli spelled her's wrong. Ashley: Hey, I was seven. And "S's" are tricky. [Gus begins sobbing] Ashley: What's your problem? This is the first summer you've lived here. Gus: I know, and I'll never have any of those memories. Benedict: Same old noble Pete. Always standing up for the rights of children. TJ: [to Prickly] You? [last lines] Principal Prickly: But don't forget, come September, you're mine! I haven't forgotten about that "saggy butt" comment! TJ: Hey, September is a long way off. Benedict: Oh, come now, Pete. There's no need to be rude. Not after I've instructed my men to provide you with special care. Principal Prickly: Special care? That's what you call gagging me, tying me up, and taking away my pants? Benedict: [Flashback to 1968] Be cool, people. Be cool. Female Protester: We'll be cool when you give our kids their recess back! Benedict: Hey, baby, I can do what I want! I'm the Principal of the school! And there's nothing anybody can do about it! Dig? TJ: What am I gonna do? Play baseball by myself? Watch reruns? Read? TJ: Hey, watch it! I've got a black belt in origami! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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