"2DTV" (2001)

  • 英国
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  • 动画  喜剧
  • 片       名"2DTV"
  • 上映时间2001年10月14日(英国)
  • 导       演 Tim Searle


  • George W. Bush: I'm wonder woman. I'll deflect bullets with my arm bands. Shoot me general. General: Don't tempt me Mr. President. [it is a last supper scene with members of the Labour Party] Tony Blair: My people, I have lead a peaceful live. David Blunkett: Well except for all those wars. Tony Blair: Yeah, alright. Although I am persecuted, I am confident history will show me as the saviour of mankind. John Prescott: Well when Alistair Campbell's finished re-writing it. Tony Blair: I am sure I have served my lord well. [Cut to heaven, where we see George W. Bush as God] George W. Bush: HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH-HEH. Look at me. I'm Santa Claus. Tony Blair: But alas, one of you will betray me for thirty silver coins. Gordon Brown: What rubbish Tony. It was forty. Tony Blair: Anyway, now we shall eat. Five loaves of bread and five fish, enough to feed forty thousand... [We hear a belch, and see John Prescott with a fish bone sticking out of his mouth] John Prescott: Well that was a nice starter. [clutches stomach] John Prescott: Excuse me guys, I can feel a second coming. Sven: [about Wayne Rooney] He is young. He is learning. General: Schwarzenegger. George W. Bush: Shoreenagore. General: No, Schwarzenegger. George W. Bush: Mr. Shcwanangor. General: (sighs) [Arnold Schwarzenegger enters] General: Mr President, Governer Schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hey, check it out [pats Bush's head] Arnold Schwarzenegger: I'm patting Bush. George W. Bush: Mr Schwalanalananger. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Hey, now I'm stroking Bush. [both snigger] General: May God have mercy on us all. [it is far into the future] Tony Blair: Uh, so guys, any signs of the weapons of mass destruction yet? [awkward pause] [repeated line] Arnold Schwarzenegger: Just a little bit of harmless fun. George W. Bush: My daddy started the gulf war. I continued it. And now, my son, George Junior Junior will finish it. In about forty years time. George W. Bush: General, call off the hunt for Bin Laden. General: I thought we already had. [in the future, Arnie is president] General: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • How do you take your coffee sir? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Arnold Schwarzenegger: Milk and two steroids. [Tony Blair is playing "Tony Says" with the Cabinet] Tony Blair: Oh, I'm bored of this game. I'm resigning, take over Gordon! Gordon Brown: Oh, right, absolutely! [to Cabinet] Gordon Brown: Look here... Tony Blair: I didn't say "Tony says" Gordon. Gordon Brown: Oh… [cries] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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