迈克斯的壮举 (2001)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  家庭
  • 片       名迈克斯的壮举
  • 上映时间2002年03月28日
  • 导       演 蒂姆·希尔
  • 剧       情
    12岁的初中生迈克斯·基伯是个倒霉蛋,学校里的小混混经常欺负他,校长也总是找他的麻烦,还有一个恶毒的冰激凌小贩跟他作对……,受尽劫难的迈克斯被冠以“傻冒”的绰号,成为众人取笑的对象。    不过迈克斯的苦日子好像就要过去了,他的父亲因为工作关系准备举家迁往芝加哥,迈克斯...


  • Principal Jindraike: you may be under the impression that I encourage horseplay and malarkey, you're wrong, I don't encourage it, I excourage it. Max: Excourage, sir? Principal Jindraike: It means the opposite of encourage, look it up. Principal Jindraike: This is completely without precedent, not only that, but it's never happened before! Principal Jindraike: You're a smart little boy, but so am I! Principal Jindraike: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to give my car to the smelly goat? Max: Goats don't drive, sir. Principal Jindraike: Too bad, ha ha, the smelly goat will never get my car! Principal Jindraike: CEASE! Max: See you bassoon. 6 Year Old Troy: McGoogle ate Max's daddy! Ahh! Max: [talking to Jindraike with voiceover effect and pretending to do kung fu] I do not fear your dark powers, bald one. [gets hit by ice cream from the evil ice cream man] Tony Hawk: Ohh, that ice cream man sure is evil. [Troy & Dobbs are surrounded by nerds] Troy McGinty: I'm so scared. Megan: You should be. We're taking back our school. Robe: Yeah. Nom more being pushed around. No more being stepped on. No more Mr. Not-Nice-Guy. Slav #1: Your reign of terror over the student body has come to an abrupt halt! [kids are surprised, until "slav" resumes fake accent] Slav #1: Yes, please. Robe: [Evil Ice Cream Man's supply is melting] Hey, can I try the soup? Principal Jindraike: [on loud speaker] ATTENTION, STUDENTS! [students laugh] Principal Jindraike: It's because of yesterday's crimes against the school, instigated by your former classmate Max Keeble. The following extracurricular activities are now suspended: art, music, P.E... fun! Suspended, discontinued, defunct! Girl at Class: Great. Your boyfriend Max Keeble just got us hosed. Jenna: He's just my paperboy. I never really liked him. Principal Jindraike: [teachers laugh, then Jindraike turns around and sees the fake Max Keeble with a peace sign] Keeble! Lily Keeble: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Is there a problem with something... or... somebody? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dobbs: KEEBLE! Principal Jindraike: Keeble. Troy McGinty: ...Keeble. Max: See ya later, Bassoon... See ya later, Bassoon? Dobbs: [to Max when they are about to bully him] You know how doctors say, "This isn't gonna hurt a bit"? Well, I'm not a doctor, and neither is McGinty here. Troy McGinty: He's right. [looks straight to Max closely] Troy McGinty: I'm not a doctor. Dobbs: [Shaking his hands like he's rapping] Yeeah! Evil Ice Cream Man: [He jumps from his ice cream truck, and carries two ice cream scoopers, and starts talking as if he is in the old chinese movies] I will defeat you, with my complicated fighting move. Max: [the words don't match his mouth] We shall see whose kung fu is superior! HAH! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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