G型神探 (1999)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  动作  冒险
  • 片       名G型神探
  • 上映时间1999年12月23日
  • 导       演 大卫·凯洛
  • 剧       情
      G型神探在一次意外中,身体遭到严重的伤害,好心的机械外科科学家布兰坦,在他身上配备有 14,000多 种多用途的机关,当然有小部分不是十分管用。      从此,G型神探就成为Metro市里最出色的警探之一,直到邪恶的克劳博士出现。克劳博士设计陷...


  • Inspector Gadget: I don't know what you're up to, Claw, but I will stop you. Dr. Claw: Aw touché, Inspector, I think someone has been watching way too many Saturday morning cartoons. Inspector Gadget: Wowser! [Scolex contemplates on a nickname] Scolex: Too bad Hook is taken, eh? Sikes: How 'bout Captain Claw? Kramer: Or Santa Claw? Scolex: Just Claw, one word... like Madonna. Scolex: I deserve a dashing appellation. Kramer: A dashing appellation. What is that? A hillbilly with a tuxedo? Gadgetmobile: Better buckle up, Penny. This car's only got two speeds: "Fast" and "WOW! What Was That?" Gadgetmobile: Let's team up: I'll go after them; and you say 10-4! Inspector Gadget: 10-4? Gadgetmobile: Right. See ya! [speeds off after some escaped convicts, leaving Gadget just standing there] Inspector Gadget: I owe you one, Scolex. You wrecked my car, and I really liked that car. Dr. Claw: Well, you crushed my hand and I really liked that hand. So Go-Go get over it! Robo-Brenda: I look just like you! Only prettier... hey, I bet we even share brain waves! Are you thinking about Gelato? Cause I am! Dr. Brenda Bradford: OK... I'm going to go find John. [walks away] Robo-Brenda: Aw, well, on't you wanna hang out? Dr. Brenda Bradford: I'll be with you every step of the way! Inspector Gadget: I'd shake your hand... but you might lose an eye. Gadgetmobile: [two guys are trying to steal a Dodge Viper but Inspector Gadget doesn't notice that they are actually ecaped convicts and this upsets the Gadgetmobile] That's it i can't take this anymore. Hold it, step away from the Viper! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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