Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm (1999)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名Larry David: Cu...
  • 上映时间1999年10月17日
  • 导       演 罗伯特·B·维德
  • 又       名Larry David: Curb Your Enthu...
  • 编       剧 拉里·戴维


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  • : I have a tendency to nod to black people. Jeff Greene: Wait... what reason would you have to... Larry: I don't know, I don't know! I just find that I nod to them. More so than white... I never nod to white people. Jeff Greene: I've never heard of, uh, "white liberal nodding guilt." Larry: Yeah. It's a way of kind of making contact. You know, like "I'm okay. I'm not one of the bad ones." Larry: You know who wear sunglasses inside? Blind people and assholes. Larry: I'm wondering, uh, in case I break into some Spanish or french... may I use the familiar tu form with you people? Instead of usted? Because I think usted is gonna be a little too formal for this crowd. I feel already I've established the kind of rapport than I can, I can jump into the tu form with you! That quickly! I'm taking a tu liberty with you, I'm gonna use the tu form, and that's it! You can't talk me out of it. You know, Caesar used the tu form with Brutus, even after Brutus stabbed him. He said "et tu Brute," and I think that's a little too informal when someone's trying to assassinate you. [repeated line] Jeff Greene: HBO pays for the porn. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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