卧房和玄关 (1999)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名卧房和玄关
  • 上映时间1999年09月20日(澳大利亚)
  • 导       演 Rose Troch...
  • 又       名卧房和玄关 Bedrooms and Hallways
  • 编       剧 Robert Far...


  • Darren: [describing Jeremy] Seething animal passions about to erupt through the pie crust of decorum. Leo: Who is it? Darren: I'm not sure, but his voice washed over me like a dark, powerful river. Darren: Rub some compost in your face, straight boys love it. Darren: All relationships end. You either split up or you die. Angie: Leo, you are a strawberry blond. You can't go out with an ash blonde. It's not right! Darren: All relationships end, either one of you leaves or one of you dies. Sybil: Oh, Leo, relax. You're quite right to choose men: women are complicated. I mean, men are kind of pathetic, but at least you know where you are. Leo: Why do I have to have such a complicated sex life? Darren: It's because you give off complicated vibrations. Simplify your vibrations, your sex life simplifies itself. Sybil: [after having sex] I love being a woman, not because of you but because of me. Sally: [finds a blindfolded naked man cuffed to her bed] What the hell is this? Darren: OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GERALDINE, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE SEVENTEEN! Sally: My name is not Geraldine and it's not my birthday Darren: Isn't it? This is 25 Shelldrake Avenue? Sally: No this is 23 Shelldrake Avenue Darren: Oh, how appallingly embarrassing of me, I'm an S&M-ogram, I must've gotten the wrong address [embarrassed, under his breath] Darren: oh no! Sally: Wait... don't I know you? Darren: God I hope not [she unties blindfold, he recognizes her] Darren: AHH! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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