亲爱的,我把我们缩小了 (1997)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  家庭  冒险
  • 片       名亲爱的,我把我们缩小了
  • 上映时间1997年03月18日
  • 导       演 Dean Cunde...
  • 剧       情
    彷佛上回在“电影中所玩的把戏还不够看一样,韦恩(瑞克莫瑞尼斯饰演)这回竟意外地把自己和老婆、哥哥及他的太太一起缩小了,他们不仅体形小得要用放大镜才能看得到,甚至连声音也小得蚂蚁在叫,一场惊险万分的好戏,就随着四人绝望地想下楼向孩子们求救展开了!  <!--香港百视...


  • [Their answering machine message:] Wayne Szalinski: You've reached the Szalinskis. At the sound of the beep, please leave your message, your fax, or your binary file. Wayne Szalinski: Baseball camp will pass, but science is always cool. Gordon Szalinski: You are dead meat, mister! Wayne Szalinski: Gordon, you're three-quarters of an inch tall, now's not the time. Diane Szalinski: If they don't un-shrink us they will be in so much trouble! Gordon Szalinski: Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it, Thumbelina? [Climbing up a wicker chair] Wayne Szalinski: This is great excersise. Diane Szalinski: Yeah, why go to the gym when I've got a wicker chair? Wayne Szalinski: The kids are messy eaters, so there'll be plenty of crums for us to eat. Gordon Szalinski: Wayne, we're not gonna spend the rest of our lives tiny; we're ginna get big again. Wayne Szalinski: Diane, are you going to stay mad at me the whole time or are you going to try and make the best of this bad situation? Diane Szalinski: I'm going to stay mad at you the whole time. [on the phone] Wayne Szalinski: Guess what? Gordon and I got tickets to see the shuttle launch tonight so if it's okay we're going to take off. Diane Szalinski: No it isn't, Wayne. I am going on this vacation and nothing and nobody is gonna STOP ME! [Hangs up] Wayne Szalinski: Boy she *does* need a vacation. [Landing in a laundry basket] Wayne Szalinski: Honey, I don't think we're using enough fabric softener. Adam Szalinski: Did Nick ever complain about Camp Isosoles? Diane Szalinski: Yes he did. He didn't like the fact that it was only six weeks long instead of eight. Adam Szalinski: Brain box. Adam Szalinski: What's the record? Wayne Szalinski: Old CD player. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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