"Cow and Chicken" (1997)

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  • 动画  喜剧  奇幻
"Cow and Chicken"


  • advertisement Red Guy: Five and five and five is ten, I'm gonna make you manly men. Chicken: [trying to cheer up Cow] I know you hate being ugly, but someone has to make everbody else look good. Teacher: Two words: beak washed out with soap! Okay, three words. [Cow starts cyring] Chicken: Now isn't this a little slice of cow pie? Cow: Herding bites big wind! Red Guy: What's the matter tubby? Why the long FAT face? Cow: Mom told me never to talk to strangers, and you're pretty strange. Teacher: This is pie, as in SHUT YER PIEHOLE! Ivan Panced [Red Guy]: Hello ladies. It's me, Ivan Panced, but you won't hear me complain! Ma: Hurry up and suck your meatloaf kids, I got ice cream con carne for desert! Flem and Earl: [cheerleading] 2, 4, 6, 9, who do we think is great? Go Tim! Red Guy: Does anybody hear speaka el espanola? Cow: Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't understand a thing you are saying! [Chicken tries speaking Spanish] Red Guy: I don't know what you just said, but I don't like the way you said it! Dad: [irritated] Well, Manure the Bear! In the name of boneless grandma! [Chicken pulls Ma and Dad's top halves from the closet] Cow: My science project! Cow: [trying to rock Chicken to sleep] Sleepy, sleepy, SLEEPY BIG BROTHER PRINCESS! Red Guy: [being attacked by thrown food] No! No! I don't want your food! Chicken: Hey, Mom! I ate all the cereal! There's none left for me! Chicken's Clone: It wasn't me, it was me! I ate all the cereal! Chicken: Did not! Chicken's Clone: Did too! Chicken: Did not! Cow: Did too. Cow's Clone: Did too. Ma: Look, Dad! Our children is twins! Mom: Would you look at that Dad, Supercow has Chicken stuck on her head too! Dad: MAN Momma! What're the odds? Dad: If something bad were to happen to your sister, we'd be pretty mad! Chicken: What is this stuff? Cow: Marsmallow soup. It's Crabs's favorite! Chicken: Oh yeah well it's my UNfavorite! Chicken: That's it? Stupid change machine! A put in two dimes, and a nickle, and it gives me one quarter! What a gyp! Red Guy: [the orthodontic police pull over Ma and Dad] What are you people, a bunch of communists ? Chicken: Are you Ivan Panced? Red Guy: Can't you tell? Ma: [Chicken thinks he should miss school, because he has to take care of his new egg] I don't want you skipping school because of your "Being in the family way", and all. Red Guy: [as a "Used Grandpa" salesman] Y'all come back now, hear? [repeated line] Red Guy: Oh, oooohhh. [sometimes followed by laughter] Teacher: Well, basically that's it. Hope you losers enjoyed it. Ma: Now, I don't want you going to the mall, without your glasses. Grandma': I'm not wearin' those soda pop bottles! Ma: There goes Chicken, on his first date and wearing my dress. Dad: Just like me on our first date! Red Guy: Can you be helped? Red Guy: Mister Hiney, that's my name... [shouts] Red Guy: Deal with it! Red Guy: [as an orthodontic policeman] [to Dad] Red Guy: Just doin' my job, Ma'am. Cow: [Repeated line] Supercow al rescate! Cow: [about Mom and Dad] Sometimes I question their sanity. Chicken: Is this cartoon ever gonna make sense? Red Guy: [in pile of superhero outfits] Corncobman? There's a lot of sick people in this town. Ma: Oh dad, that was so manly! A chicken-in-one. Dad: Manly, yes, but I like it too. Chicken: [in a flat, emotionless voice, after he was forced to "marry" Pam] This is the happiest day of my life! Chicken: Cow! I've got Crabs... the warthog! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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