
小鬼当家再出击 (1995) 5.9

3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 更多片名>

1995-03-10(美国)| 喜剧 动作 家庭| 美国
上映时间:1995-03-10(美国) 类型: 喜剧 动作 家庭
评分: 力荐

洛奇、 柯特、 唐唐和他们骁勇好战的祖父一起过暑假,此时他认识一位印地安女孩─ 乔,这使得他们卷入一场印地安人和摩登社会里不法生意人的战争, 三名小勇士于是以临时找到的武器和印地安人传授的知识,勇敢的加入战场……


Rocky: I get it now. Colt: What? Rocky: The sound of the flowers. Tum Tum: Where? Colt: You heard the flowers? Tum Tum: What? I don't hear anything. Rocky: That's the whole point. I didn't hear them. Tum Tum: What is this? A Mercedes Benz? Colt: It means peace, pizza brain. Tum Tum: Peas? I hate peas... Tum Tum: You going to kiss her? Colt: Who? Tum Tum: Jo. Colt: No. Rocky: Yes, you are! [Rocky and Tum Tum make kissing sounds] Colt: You guys! Cut it out! Okay, okay, maybe I am. Rocky and Tum Tum: What? Colt: And gorillas belong in the zoo. Colt: Try the ladder, moron. J.J.: Let me guess - you're too short for the good rides at the carnival. Tum Tum: What's so funny about that? Colt: Why don't you buttheads just leave her alone? Jo: We go and get him out. Tum Tum: We. As in you and us? Jo: Yes. You guys and the girl. Colt: Wait a minute. Rocky: Colt, I think it's okay. Colt: Okay. but we'll have to do it tonight, cause they're going to start the hearing tomorrow. Rocky: Tonight, then, Colt: Tonight. Tum Tum: Tonight? Jo: Tonight. Tum Tum: I dont wanna die! I never even hit puberty yet! Colt: [Rocky is driving and trying to dodge the bad guys] Tum Tum, fasten your seatbelt and start praying!


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