超级无敌掌门狗3:险过剃头 (1996)

  • 英国
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  • 动画  短片  喜剧
  • 片       名超级无敌掌门狗3:险过剃头
  • 上映时间1996年04月10日
  • 导       演 尼克·帕克
  • 又       名超级无敌掌门狗3:险过剃头 酷狗宝贝3:剃刀边缘 九死一...
  • 编       剧 Bob Baker尼克·帕克
  • 剧       情
      主人华力士和掌门狗阿高牵涉在一件偷羊案裡而身陷冤狱,幸好最后翻案雪冤,还撮和了华力士与羊毛店老闆娘的姻缘。    让全家三口笑的不行的黏土动画,其中的《Wallace & Gromit: The...


  • Wendolene Ramsbottom: Yer dog's waiting. Wallace: Aye, I'd better see to him. The bounce has gone from his bungee. Wallace: Won't you come in? We were just about to have some cheese. Wendolene: Oh no, not cheese. Sorry. Brings me out in a rash. Can't stand the stuff. Wallace: [gulp] Not even Wensleydale? Wallace: What's wrong with Wensleydale? Talking of which, all the more for us. And not a sheep to worry us. [Lifts the cover of the cheese tray to discover Shaun eating the cheese] Wallace: Get off me cheese! Get off! Get o... Gromit? Gromit! Go for 'im! Oh! [to Gromit, after he escapes from jail with the help of Wallace and the sheep] Wallace: I suppose you'll have to skip the country, now. A fugitive, ay? You'll be hunted down like... well, a dog. Wendolene Ramsbottom: I'm sorry about this. Wallace: For what? Wendolene Ramsbottom: Nothing. Just stay away from me, from my shop, and my silly, silly windows. Wendolene Ramsbottom: He's malfunctioning. Wallace: Mal what? Wendolene Ramsbottom: Malfunctioning. Preston is a cyberdog. Wallace: Cyber what? Wendolene Ramsbottom: A robot. Daddy created him for good, but he's turned out evil. Wallace: Have you been peckish during the night? Only, someone's been at me cheese. Wallace: Is this place yours? Wendolene Ramsbottom: Mm-hmm. My father left it to me. Along with his debts, and a few other things. Wendolene Ramsbottom: Oh, I want no more of this rustling. It wasn't so bad when it was just the wool, but... this is evil! Daddy didn't create you for this. You're supposed to protect me! [Preston locks her away with Shaun on the back of the truck] Wendolene Ramsbottom: Let me out! You're not turning me into dog meat! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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