猛鬼舔人2 (1994)

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  • 恐怖  喜剧
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    恐怖的夜晚,雪莉带领着一票朋友来到极负「盛名」的有凶宅,希望给大家一个大惊奇,她佯称将咒语加遣蛰居在捐宅的魔鬼灵魂,就在她的念咒中猛鬼皇后「安琪」突然现身,欢乐成人间炼狱,一场生与死的痛苦即将来…  <!--香港百视达-->


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  • The day after the Party the county sherrif went in with his deputies. They found the bodies, or rather hat was left of them. Their bodies were chopped, graded, sliced and diced, totally toasted I'm talking ground-round. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Bibi: [disgusted] Terri! Terri: Their relatives could barely identify them, but they did. Everyone one of them, everyone except Angela! Shirley Finnerty: Angela? Bibi: The Girl who threw the Party. They searched the property over and over, high and low but never found her body! Terri: They say it's because she descended into Hell. Body & Soul and now she's Satan's favourite, sitting on his Lap. Shirley Finnerty: She's probably sitting on his big Spike right now! Terri: Sister is it a sin to kiss a boy? I mean if you really really like him! Sister Gloria: A kiss is a sin, when it is an upper persuasion for a lower invasion. Shirley Finnerty: Sister Gloria is Fellatio a mortal sin or a venial sin? Sister Gloria: Fellatio? I don't think I'm familiar with that term. Could you please explain to the class exactly what that means! Shirley Finnerty: [remaining silent] ... Sister Gloria: What's the matter Miss Finnerty? Cat got your tongue? Bibi: Hey, Mouse is all right she just had a little rough thats all. Shirley Finnerty: A little rough? Some who hasn't! Terri: Well, listen to this: About a year ago her parents were sent a weird "Halloween"-Card. It was home-made and really creepy like decorated with dead bugs and dried blood totally disgusting... anyway it was signed by Angela! Bibi: They really took it hard! Everyone tried to convince them that it was just a really bad joke, but they swore it was her signature. Terri: That night both comitted suicide! Shirley Finnerty: [excited] Suicide... Bibi: That's why she's here. She's an orphan! Shirley Finnerty: No shit! Just a charity case. Shirley Finnerty: [looking into a mirror] Hi there Doll-Face, looking pretty good tonight. Rick: Smells like Godzilla's butthole... Angela: An ocean of holy water couldn't help you now! Angela: I'm sorry i didn't mean to frighten you. Linda: Have you been saved? Angela: Who me? Linda: Did you knew that the end of the world is driving near? Angela: As a matter of fact, i do. I was just about to have a slice of cake. Would you two like to join me? Albert: Cake. Yes, of course. How kind. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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