电影网>影片资料馆>即将上映影片>The Scout

Al Percolo is a major league baseball scout sent to scout in Mexico as a punishment. However, he eventually stumbles across Steve Nebraska, ...更多>


Steve Nebraska: Al, you're like a dad to me. Al Percolo: But I'm not your dad. I'm just a guy taking 15 percent. Steve Nebraska: I thought it was 10. Tommy Lacy: God said people make mistakes. Al Percolo: God never said people make mistakes; where did you hear that shit? He said honor thy mother, and thy father, and thy Yankee contract! Steve Nebraska: I got you something. It's a chocolate baseball bat. Al Percolo: [takes the bat and examines the end, which is broken] Did you drop it? Steve Nebraska: I got a little hungry. Al Percolo: You don't have to yell, this is a different phone. Ron Wilson: It has nothing to do with the phone, I just like yelling at you.

The Scout

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