
  • [first lines] Dekker: This is one hell of a way to spend Christmas... [Jack Slater is Hamlet] Hamlet: Hey Claudius! You killed my father! Big mistake! Narrator: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and Hamlet is taking out the trash. Old Man: Stay thy hand, fair prince. Hamlet: [shooting him] Who said I'm fair? Narrator: No one is going to tell this sweet prince good night. Hamlet: To be or not to be? Not to be. Jack Slater: Big mistake! [Dead assassin tumbles out of closet after Slater has fired into it without warning] Danny Madigan: How'd you know someone was in there? Jack Slater: There's always someone in there. It costs me a fortune in closet doors. Vivaldi: What I'm saying is; Mr. Benedict can take you out as easy as cake. [Danny Madigan is watching the bad guys on the screen] Danny Madigan: You are gonna pay... Oooh, you gonna pay! [Frank's last words] Frank: I'm out of here... [When danny comes home with Jack at 4 a.m] Danny's mom: Where have you been? The police called. You're not here. You're not there. Danny Madigan: Mom, I'm sorry, okay. Shh. Danny's mom: " Okay, shh?" There are 9 million kids out there with guns and that's all you have to say to me? "Okay, shh?" Will you get in here? Danny Madigan: Mom? You know how you always say you wish I had more friends? Well. Jack Slater: Hello Mrs. Madigan. Arnold Braunshweiger. Jack Slater: Who the hell are you? Danny Madigan: Don't shoot me. I'm Danny Madigan. I'm a kid. Danny Madigan: OK, I got one. What about this girl right here. She is way too attractive to be working in a video store. Jack Slater: I agree with you. I think she should be working with us... under cover of course... Danny Madigan: You think you are funny, don't you? Jack Slater: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I know I am. I'm the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Danny Madigan: Schwarzenegger! Jack Slater: Gesundheit. Jack Slater: Could I speak to the drug dealer of the house, please? Jack Slater: I'll be back! Ha! You didn't know I was gonna say that, did you? Danny Madigan: That's what you always say! Jack Slater: I do? Jack Slater: Kid! Who does the doctor treat? Danny Madigan: Patients? Jack Slater: Look at the elbow of my jacket. What is it doing? Danny Madigan: Wearing thin? Jack Slater: Bingo! [Danny Madigan was just kissed by Whitney Slater] Danny Madigan: From now on it's all gonna be downhill... Whitney Slater: FREEZE! Lose the guns or I redecorate in brain-matter grey, got it? Danny Madigan: Chicken it is... Danny Madigan: ...I though I was going to die. Jack Slater: Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but you're gonna live to enjoy all the glorious fruits life has got to offer - acne, shaving, premature ejaculation... and your first divorce. Jack Slater: And Whitney! Why can't she be like every other teenager. For prom night she stayed home and field stripped an AK- [Jack Slater realizes that a nerve gas bomb is hidden in Leo "the Fart"'s body] Jack Slater: Leo "the Fart" is gonna pass gas one more time. Vivaldi: Mr. Torelli. I hope it's all right with you I am here. I don't wanna be no fourth wheel... Vivaldi: You've had Slater in front of the eight ball before, but you always screwed it up. Benedict: [after Vivaldi leaves] It's behind the eight ball, you old fool! [repeated line] Dekker: Slater! Jack Slater: Stop shouting! I'm not deaf! Jack Slater: I don't care who does what to your Hershey highway! [the nervgasbomb goes of in the tar-pit] Jack Slater: Silent but deadly! Benedict: If God was a villain, he would have been me. [Jack Slater throws Benedict against a wall, and both Benedict and his servant disappears through it] Jack Slater: Usually when I do that it leaves a hole... Nick: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • There are lots of things worse than movies: politicians, wars, forest fires, famine, plague, sickness, pain, whores, politicians... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jack Slater: You already mentioned them. Nick: I know I did. They are twice as bad as anything else. James Belushi: I'm not really a big fan of Arnold's... She is, you know... Arnold really turns her on and I just want to be there when it happens. Frank: We mostly talk muzzle velocities. Guns. Benedict: Gentlemen. Since you are about to die anyway, I may as well tell you the entire plot. Think of villains Jack. You want Dracula? Dra-cool-la? Hang on [takes out the ticket] Benedict: , I'll fetch him. Dracula? Huh. I can get King Kong! We'll have a nightmare with Freddy Krueger, have a surprize party for Adolf Hitler, Hannibal Lecter can do the catering, and then we'll have christening for Rosemary's Baby! All I have to do is snap my fingers and they'll be here. They're lining up to get here, and do you know why Jack? Should I tell you why? Hmm? Because here, in this world, the bad guys can win! Jack Slater: Here's another explosion for your movie, kid. Tony Vivaldi: What is this, Benedict? First you're my friend; now you turn a... 360 on me! Benedict: 180, you stupid, spaghetti-slurping cretin - *180*! If I did a 360, I'd go completely around and end up back where I started! Tony Vivaldi: What? Benedict: Trust me! [shoots him] Jack Slater: You wanna be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres! Jack Slater: Look! Elephant! Jack Slater: We're that close in catching him. Danny Madigan: No, Jack. We're that close to catching pneumonia. Benedict: I wonder if you could help me? Mechanic: Sure, what do ya need?. Benedict: Well... [benedict shoots him. He listens for a while, then shouts] Benedict: I have just shot someone, I did it on purpose. [listens some more, still nothing] Benedict: I said, I have just killed a man and I wish to confess! [listens some more, someone tells him to shut up. He looks pleased] Jack Slater: I think the taxis are bulletproof. Dekker: And you promised me you wouldn't tell! Jack Slater: I didn't. Dekker: Well, then how did he know? Danny Madigan: "Jack Slater I". Dekker: What's winning got to do with this? Danny Madigan: No. The very first "Jack Slater". Dekker: [to Jack] You told your dad? Jack Slater: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I didn't tell anybody! I don't even know this kid! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dekker: Well, he sure seems to know a lot about us. [Playing "Chicken" riding a bike] Danny Madigan: This is gonna work. It's a movie, I'm a good guy. This has got to work! [Danny thinks again] Danny Madigan: I'm a comedy sidekick. Oh, shit! I'm a comedy sidekick! IT'S NOT GONNA WORK! [after seeing a "Terminator 2" poster with Sylvester Stallone] Danny Madigan: No. It's not possible! Jack Slater: What's not possible? The man is an artist. It's his best performance ever! Danny Madigan: But... that was you! YOU were in that movie! [a girl close-by hears them] Girl: [to Jack] You were in a movie? Jack Slater: Yes. It was called "The Girl of My Dreams". It starred you. As a matter of fact, there was this very romantic scene where we had dinner together. John Practice: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Jack Slater: By practice. John Practice! Jack Slater: Sir, are you a henchman? Benedict: No, I only go as far as lackey. Benedict: Here, in this world, the bad guys can win! Death: I don't do fiction. Not my field. Danny Madigan: Where are the ordinary, everyday women? They don't exist because this is a movie! Jack Slater: No, this is California. Jack Slater: Did you make a movie mistake? You forgot to reload the damn gun. Benedict: No, Jack. I just left one chamber empty. Jack Slater: Let's say this is a movie. How many times have you heard someone say, "stay in the car," and the guy doesn't? What happens? Danny Madigan: He saves the day. Jack Slater: Or, gets killed! The mayor: Jack, as mayor of this great metropolis, you and I have had our little tiffs, but this is the Lieutenant Governor. Lt. Governor: Slater, here's what I... Jack Slater: [breaks the Lieutenant Governor's nose] When the Governor gets here, call me. Jack Slater: [John Practice has just betrayed Slater] Danny told me not to trust you. He said you killed Mozart. John Practice: Mo- who? Jack Slater: -zart. John Practice: [thinks for a bit, shrugs] You know, I kill a lot of people, I can't remember half of them. Jack Slater: Iced that guy! Cone a freeze 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jack Slater 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Why am I wasting time with a dime-store putz like you when I could be doing something much more dangerous, like re-arranging my sock drawers? [about to shoot Benedict] Jack Slater: No sequel for you. Danny Madigan: [Slater prepares to jump out a window in pursuit of Benedict] Jack, where are you going? Jack Slater: [referring to Benedict and his ever-changing glass eye] Got to catch the red-eye! Jack Slater: [hearing Mozart on the radio] ... Shhh can you turn that up? What is that? Danny's mom: It's Mozart... Jack Slater: [looks at Danny and whispers] ... The one Practice killed? Danny's mom: You like Mozart? Jack Slater: [smiles] ... I don't know, but I think I will... Wow. Death: [looking down at a wounded Jack Slater] I was only curious, he's not on any of my lists. Death: [turns to Danny] but *you* are... Daniel. Danny Madigan: Now? Death: No, you die a grandfather... Death: [to Danny] You're very brave. But also not very bright. If I were you, I'd be looking for the other half of the ticket. Ripper's Agent: Did Nicholson show up for the premiere of "Batman" dressed as the Joker? I don't THINK so! Jack Slater: I mean, all I had to do, is just drive around the neighborhood, and point my finger at a house, and say 'The bad guys are in there!' Skeezy: Umm, sir, the guy with the missing eye, I got his Liscense Plate number. Jack Slater: Good, [Thinks for a second] Jack Slater: ...you mean glass eye? Skeezy: No sir, when I saw him, it was missing. Cop at Ex-Wife's House: [Finds Benedicts glass eye with a message] Vengeance... is... [lines up the words] Cop at Ex-Wife's House: ...mine? Jack Slater: [the glass eye starts beeping] No don't touch... [a dome shaped explosion surrounds the whole house causing all the house, and car alarms to go off] Danny Madigan: What if staying in the car is what gets me killed? Jack Slater: There's a gun in the glove compartment. Jack Slater: [standing next to Leo The Fart's body] He was a good man, a flatulent man. Benedict: [to Danny] I must warn you, I've killed people smarter and younger than you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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