
爱欲残骸 (1995) 5.9

Love & Human Remains

1995-01-27(西班牙)| 喜剧| 加拿大
上映时间:1995-01-27(西班牙) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

Set in a dreary urban landscape of an anonymous Canadian city, LOVE AND HUMAN REMAINS is a dark comedy about a group of twentysomethings loo...更多>


Candy: I want more than just sex. David: That's why God invented television. Bernie: When are you gonna do something with your life? David: What, like you? Work at a job I hate and fuck women I can't stand. Bernie: Fuck you, it's a life! David: Not the kind of life I want. Bernie: Why is everything so fucking hard? David: Not everything, just the important stuff. Bernie: Same old bullshit! Every day I just go to work, meet a girl, get laid, dump her. Candy: Excuse me. I have to go try on everything I own. Candy: Do you ever feel like you're nothing like anyone else in the world? David: Only all the time. Candy: Somewhere there's one person waiting for me... feeling like me. David: A lot of people in the world feel like that. Kane: Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me. David: I've never met anyone born after 1965 who wasn't incomplete somehow. Kane: Why is that? David: Microwave owens, I think.


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