Gallagher: We Need a Hero (1993)

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Gallagher: We Need a Hero
  • 片       名Gallagher: We N...
  • 又       名Gallagher: We Need a Hero
  • 编       剧 Gallagher




  • Gallagher: [speaking to George Bush] You said "read my lips" because you were lying out your ass. Gallagher: I hate it when my heroes let me down! I hate it when they throw my admiration on the ground! So I'll be my own hero! I'll be my own man! I'm the only one I ever met that's really worth a damn. Gallagher: These companies think we're idiots, telling us soup is good food... soup isn't even food! Soup is what's left over in the dishwasher after a good meal. Gallagher: Women can't keep a secret... but they can hold a fart. So if you want to tell a woman a secret, whisper in her ass. Gallagher: Gary Busey said you don't need a helmet when you ride your motorcycle... then his Harley jumped on his head and cracked it like Humpty-Dumpty! Now he *still* says he's not wearin' a helmet. Well, who's taking *his* advice? [shouts] Gallagher: He's got a crack in his head! Gallagher: When the beer companies say 'know when to say when'... you don't ask a drunk to know when to say when! Why don't *you* guys say when to say when? *You're* the experts on beer! You're too drunk to drive when you can't carry a drink with you to the car. Gallagher: Why doesn't Madonna have a sex show, teaching kids about sex? 'Cause she's 'Like A Virgin'. Like *when*? First time I saw her dance I knew she screwed like an epileptic rabbit with the hiccups! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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