"Biker Mice from Mars" (1993)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 动画  动作  冒险
"Biker Mice from Mars"
  • 片       名"Biker Mic...
  • 导       演 Tom Tatara...


  • advertisement Lawrence Limburger: Activate the transport. Set it for the lowest, the vilest, the most disgusting team of twisted evil enforcers Plutark ever produced. Dr. Karbunkle: Not the smurfs! Lawrence Limburger: Dismiss those small-timers from your mind. Modo: Oh mama, the last thing I need is a sedated smart mouth. Vinnie: Well, if it ain't the degenerate duo. Modo: Sleaze-brain and sludge. Throttle: Let's have a looky see here. Nope, nope, nothin' nada zippo, just as white as a Osmond in a snowstorm. Throttle: Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you. Modo: Sorry Doc, you're going into practice, target practice. Vinnie: Nap time over? It must be time to visit the little boy's room. I hope I'm not too late! Throttle: This preacher's throwing heat. Throttle: Cheap shot... but it felt good. Throttle: You're not a lawyer. Modo: No, but I've seen every single episode of L.A. Law three times. Lawrence Limburger: If my word was worth anything, I wouldn't be much of a villain, now would I? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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