美少女战士初代 (1992)

  • 日本
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  • 动画  动作  喜剧
  • 又       名美少女战士初代 美少女战士:第一季 "Bish&...
  • 编       剧 Naoko Take...
  • 剧       情


  • advertisement Sailor Moon: Moon Tiara Action Usagi Tsukino: Moon Prism Power! Make-Up! Minako Aino - Sailor Venus: In the name of the moon, I will punish you! Usagi Tsukino - Sailor Moon: Hey... that's my line! Sailorvenus: In the name of the moon, you're punished! Usagi: That's my line, damn you! Ami: Knowledge is something you learn on your own, computers don't make you smart! Gaboran: Shut the hell up! Rei Hino - Sailor Mars: Grandpa, you are hitting on everyone that comes by here! People are scared to come to the temple! [Mamoru about to kill Usagi] Usagi: [shouts] Please stop! Please remember me, Princess Serenity of the past, and that perky odango-head Usagi Usagi Tsukino - Sailor Moon: It's that cat with the bald spot! Luna: How rude! It's not a bald spot, you know. Usagi Tsukino - Sailor Moon: The cat spoke! It spoke! Luna: This is Luna. Code name The password is: The rabbit on the moon pounded rice cakes. Artemis: The rice cakes were sticky. Luna: They puffed up when I cooked them. Mamoru Chiba: Go! Get out of this miserable place! Go and... find yourself a cool boyfriend or something... Usagi Tsukino - Sailor Moon: You're the coolest, Mamoru. Sailormoon: Ami, Rei, Mako, Minako, they all died without kissing the people they loved, so I cannot allow myself that joy... I'm sorry Mamoru Urawa: If I become a demon, please don't hold back and kill me! Sailormercury: Urawa, the future is something you make happen on yourself. You wont become a demon if you have faith Beryl: So, who wants to give our lovely guests the "death sentence"? Mysterious Voice: Allow us, your majesty. [light shines] DD 1: The DD Girls! Makoto Kino - Sailor Jupiter: Sparkling wide pressure! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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