Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  家庭  恐怖
  • 片       名Ernest Scared S...
  • 上映时间1991年10月11日
  • 导       演 John R. Ch...
  • 剧       情
    Life could be pretty if there wasn't someone like Ernest P. Worrell on this planet. In this movie he helps to escape an evil trol out of his...


  • Kenny: Ernest I got it! What we need is a tree house! Ernest P. Worrell: I thought we needed high ground. Trantor the Troll: Bring me the head of Ernest P. Worrell! Trantor the Troll: You will die for the disgrace of your forefathers! Ernest P. Worrell: I didn't have four fathers! I only had one father and I didn't know him that well! Ernest P. Worrell: How 'bout a bumper sandwich, Boogerlips? [When seeing Trantor the Troll for the first time] Ernest P. Worrell: Oh, I sure hope you're from Keebler! Ernest P. Worrell: I never knew when to quit. Just ask my fourth grade teacher. [repeated line] Ernest's Teacher: He never knew when to quit. [while driving to the treehouse with a now wooden Rimshot] Ernest P. Worrell: What good is a wooden dog? Oh, sure they swim better, but what am I gonna call him, Splinter? Ernest P. Worrell: Boy, Jimmy. When you play charades you play for keeps. Knowhatimean? Ernest P. Worrell: [to the troll] You'd better stay away. I know jujitsu, kung fu, karate, tai chi, and I saw "Hulkamania" three times. Once in slow-mo. Ernest P. Worrell: [about the troll] He looked like a big giant Mr. Potato Head. Except he was shaped more like a watermelon. Ernest P. Worrell: Nuh uh, ain't no trees in Botswana, nuh uh, I know, I AM a Botswanian lumberjack, and I ain't never had a job... Ernest P. Worrell: [as the Old Lady] Be grateful, little trolls in China don't even get milk. Ernest P. Worrell: [being attacked by the troll] Help, help! May day! May day! Christmas Day! Colombus Day! Old Lady Hackmore: [to Kenny] Sometimes you've got to do what YOU know is right, no matter what anybody tells you. Ernest P. Worrell: Pretty soon the kids won't have to worry about eating their Brussel sprouts because the Brussel sprouts will be eating them. Ernest P. Worrell: [to Rimshot] We have nothing to fear but fear itself, plus the fact that Old Lady Hackmore will turn us into a couple of red eyed, drooling frogs if she catches us here. [Knocks on the door] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Ernest P. Worrell 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Well it looks like nobody's home, I guess they're out robbing graves or biting the heads off chickens or whatever's in Voodoo Vogue. Old Lady Hackmore: [to Ernest] They will have to load you and the rest of this backward town onto a meat wagon with a pitch fork! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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