Claymation Comedy of Horrors Show (1991)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  短片  喜剧
Claymation Comedy of Horrors Show
  • 片       名Claymation Come...
  • 上映时间1991年05月29日(美国)
  • 导       演 Barry Bruc...




  • [Wilshire, Sheldon and Vince are testing a carnival-type ride.] Vince: Wilshire, are you sure this thing is safe? Wilshire Pig: Vince, we lugged everything out to the middle of this god-forsaken forest and you get cold feet? [Wilshire is trying to be coy in sneaking into the lab.] Wilshire Pig (sounding out word): Is there a laBOREatory around here? Greeter: Oh...of course, just down the hall to the right! [Wilshire and Sheldon then end up in the bathroom.] Wilshire Pig: LAVATORY...I hate homonyms! [Wilshire is trying to be coy in sneaking into the lab.] Wilshire Pig (sounding out word): Is there a laBOREatory around here? Greeter: Oh...of course, just down the hall to the right! [Wilshire and Sheldon end up in the bathroom.] Wilshire Pig: LAVATORY...I hate homonyms! [Sheldon has a map inprinted on his tongue; meanwhile the guys had just escaped from another situation.] Wilshire Pig: All right, all right, I've had just about enough of this! Sheldon Snail: You mean...we can go? Wilshire Pig: Well sure you can go...but your tongue stays here, you get me? Dead Comedian: Every day, in every way, I'm getting deader and I'm getting deader. Oh sure, I know it's tough to soar with eagles when you're being eaten by maggots... [Wilshire is trying to coax the frightened Sheldon Snail out of his shell.] Wilshire Pig: Come on, you gutless gastropod! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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