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  • Elliot Hopper 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Wait, your name is Edith? Isn't that a girl's name? Sir Edith Moser: No it's a boy's name. Elliot Hopper: It's a girl's name! Sir Edith Moser: It is a boy's name I tell you. My name is pronounced "Edd-ith." Elliot Hopper: Where did you get your name from? Sir Edith Moser: I was named after my great-grandmother. Elliot Hopper: So you see! It is a girls name! Sir Edith Moser: No it's not! Daniel 'Danny' Hopper: Dad, where were you? Elliot Hopper: I was in London talking to a guy named Edith. [the kids start laughing] Amanda Hopper: Isn't that a girl's name? Curtis Burch, the Cabbie: My evil master! Your wish is my command! Elliot Hopper: Command? I command you to go to hell, and sit on a burning hot rock, and wait for me until it snows! Curtis Burch, the Cabbie: Yes! Yes master! Amanda Hopper: Daddy. Joan said you can go bleep bleep yourself. She said you guys need to talk and she'll fill in the bleeps later. Elliot Hopper: Okay, honey. Thank you. [Somebody knocks on the front door] Elliot Hopper: That must be Joan coming over to fill in the bleeps. Elliot Hopper: Mr. Nero, how are you? Mr. Nero: Oh, good. I can eat solid foods again. Elliot Hopper: Cancel the 5, cancel - Carol: Oh, no! You can't cancel the Elliot Hopper: Then put the 5 at 4, and then cancel at [only shown on TV Version] Elliot Hopper: [suddenly being pulled up] No! [grabs onto desk to stop being pulled up] Carol: Don't cancel at 4! Elliot Hopper: No! I mean, you can do what you like. Carol: [gives confused look] Elliot Hopper: [getting pulled up again] Not now! Carol: Elliot, are you all right? Please hear me out. [turns away and rattles on] Carol: When you work with someone for a long time, you get to... Elliot Hopper: [literally going hand over hand to hold onto desk] Mmm-Hmm. Mmm-Hmm. [only shown on TV Version] Elliot Hopper: [in airplane bathroom] What are you doing here? Sir Edith Moser: Flying to London. Elliot Hopper: Why did you call me? Sir Edith Moser: I said I'd be calling you again. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Elliot Hopper 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : But I'm at work! Sir Edith Moser: [yells] I can't believe it! All you want to do it go back! Elliot Hopper: Yes! Send me back now! Look, if you need to see me so bad, send me an invitation, call me up on the phone, or just come over to my house. But just don't *whoosh* me around any more! Elliot Hopper: How much money do you want to stop this car? I'll give you $20 to stop - [a car almost crashes into the taxi. The horn blares] Elliot Hopper: $40 to stop this cab! [driver doesn't respond] Elliot Hopper: I got $76 in here. I'll throw in the wallet too. It's a baby Gucci. Elliot Hopper: Don't make any more sudden moves! Don't think. Don't even breathe! We're here! [getting to door] Elliot Hopper: I don't know what your problem is, but *never* come to work with that attitude! Elliot Hopper: [answering phone] Hello? Stuart: Hi, Mr. Hopper? Elliot Hopper: Yes, I'll go get Danny for you. Stuart: No, it is you that I want to talk to. [pause] Stuart: You see, I know you're an alien. Elliot Hopper: [leans closer to phone] Say what? Stuart: I want $50,000 in small-unmarked bills or else I go to the FBI and report you. Elliot Hopper: [floats up to Stuart's window] Now, you listen to me you little twerp. Stuart: [gasps] Elliot Hopper: If you so much as to tell anyone about me, you'll be sorry. So help me, God I will do things to you, you can't even imagine. I don't get frightened. I give frightened. You little twerp! What do you think about this one? [raises a flashlight to face, which disappears] Stuart: [faints] Diane Hopper: I hope, *I hope* this is not Tony Ricker. Elliot Hopper: It probably isn't because he's still out in the streets wondering what happened to him. Mr. Collins: [on answering machine tape] Hopper, the hell have you been? Diane Hopper: [pops TV dinner in microwave] All the work I do around here, you'd think I get to choose my own friends, but no. I cook, I clean, I wash. Amanda Hopper: I take out the trash. Diane Hopper: And what do I get back for it, nothing but complaints! Elliot Hopper: [yells] I don't complain about your cooking! Diane Hopper: Yes, you do. All the time! What about last night? What about last month at the parlor? Oh, what about last week quote; "Diane, how can you screw up spaghetti O's?" Elliot Hopper: Eat your meal. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Diane Hopper 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [does so with frustration] Elliot Hopper: You know, one of the good things about being a ghost is that lights on, lights off, I'm still here. [On the phone with his boss, Mr. Collins.] Elliot Hopper: Hello, Mr. Collins? Mr. Emery Collins: [furious] Why weren't you at the bank meeting, Hopper? This merger is falling apart! Where have you been all afternoon? We had parting committees from both firms waiting for you. And you never had the courtesy to call us and tell us you were standing us up! Elliot Hopper: Mr. Collins, I can assure you... Mr. Emery Collins: If you blow this deal, Hopper, do you know what I personally will do to you? [hangs up] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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