Let It Ride (1989)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  动作
Let It Ride
  • 片       名Let It Ride
  • 上映时间1989年08月18日(美国)
  • 导       演 乔·派特卡


  • Jay Trotter: May I... buy you a drink? Mrs. Davis: I don't see why not. I'm on the pill. Marty: Eight's the one, I'd stake my life on it. Jay Trotter: They've got a $2 minimum bet. Mrs. Davis: There's a fine line between winning and losing. Jay Trotter: Yeah. The finish line. Counter Girl: You could be walking around lucky, and not even know it. [Discussing Trotter] Ticket Seller: All kind of balls... Bodyguard: One of his is crystal. Vicki: You know what they say, 'Nothing ventured, nothing... ventured.' [Watching toteboard go from 40-1 to 8-1] Looney: Probably some coke deal went nuts again. Tony Cheesburger: The 4 horse! Nobody bets the 4 horse, Trotter. The 4 horse is a joke. They let little kiddies on the 4 horse to have their picture taken." Jay Trotter: You've got great legs. Vicki: Thanks. They go from my ass all the way to the floor. Vicki: She's pert. If you like pert. Looney: I'm sure glad I didn't bet. Jay Trotter: You didn't bet? Looney: I woulda had a heart attack. Looney: [after Trotter won but Looney didn't even bet] I'd hate to have to walk around this track with seven hundred dollars cash. Jay Trotter: Seven hundred and TEN - and you'll never have that problem, because the only reason I won is that you didn't bet! You are the unluckiest person in the world! Looney: Am not! Jay Trotter: Am! Looney: Am not! Jay Trotter: Am! [pulling out his racing form] Jay Trotter: Who do you like in the second? Looney: The six horse looks pretty good... Jay Trotter: [dramatically crosses out the six horse on his racing form] You got a brother? Looney: In Cleveland. Jay Trotter: Call him up, ask him who he likes. I figure it's in the blood! Jay Trotter: [after realizing he has just one a heap of money while watching the race among the social elite] Did I win? Did I WIN? SON-OF-A-BITCH! GOD LIKES ME! HE REALLY, REALLY, LIKES ME! WHAT A DAY! WHAT A FABULOUS DAY! Looney: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [following Trotter as he leaves the betting booth] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • d7c 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Hey, Trotter! I got an idea on how we can make some money. We take the tape, right. We play it for the trainer. With what he just made on that last race, maybe he wouldn't mind slippin' us like five grand... Jay Trotter: ...I already got rid of the tape. Looney: [drops to his knees] AAAHHHHHH! Jay Trotter: I just saved you from a lengthy jail sentence. Looney: I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS! [slams his money on the betting counter] Looney: Fifty bucks on Junebug to win! It's the same name as my cat. Jay Trotter: [waiting for the race result to be announced] I've done nothing to deserve this anguish. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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