

advertisement Lydia Deitz: Though I know should be wary, Still I venture someplace scary! Ghostly hauntings I turn loose Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Lydia Deitz: No B.J. Beetlejuice: Awe, Babes! Lydia Deitz: Deadly-vu! Beetlejuice: It's showtime! [Lydia has banished Beetlejuice back to the Neitherworld, but Claire has heard her... ] Claire Brewster: Beetlejuice? Beetlejuice: That's my name! [Half of him appears in the real world, miniaturized] Beetlejuice: Now, come on, give me two more! Claire Brewster: What kind of a name is BEETLEJUICE? Beetlejuice: Yeah! [His body is now intact, but he's still six inches high... ] Claire Brewster: I mean, really... Beetlejuice: Hey! Claire Brewster: ...have you ever heard of such... Beetlejuice: Come ON!... Claire Brewster: ...a ridiculous name as... Beetlejuice: SAY IT! Claire Brewster: ...Beetlejuice? [Beetlejuice is now at full size... ] Beetlejuice: It's SHOWTIME! Claire Brewster: HUH? [Beetlejuice takes control of Claire's body] Claire Brewster: Okay Claire, let's get out here and SLAY them! Beetlejuice: Hey! What am I, garbage? Lydia Deitz: You wish! [Beetlejuice has heard that Mr. Fungus, a talking mould in his refrigerator, now has a family] Beetlejuice: [to Mr. Fungus] Great - I'll raise your rent! Beetlejuice: [about the Monster Across the Street] I'm gonna turn that tinhorn tumbleweed into prairie pur萫! Beetlejuice: [a tumbleweed rolls between Beetlejuice's legs] Whoa! So *that's* why cowboys have bow legs. [repeated line] Beetlejuice: [swats a bug with his hand and puts it in his pocket] Save THAT guy for later! Boris To-Death: [Heard announcing the feature movie] Tonight, on Moster Movie Madness, we bring you... "The Thing That Ate New Jersey on Rye", starring the greatest actor in the *universe*... Lydia Deitz: Boris To-Death [sighs in admiration] Beetlejuice: [hears moaning] Babes, what's wrong? Lydia Deitz: My mom's a real trip. She's hosting a trendy combination seance and tackyware party Delia Deitz: [In the dining room, Delia, wearing a turban, has her guest sitting around a crystal ball] Calling all spirits fantastic, come to my tackyware party of plastic! [ahs and moans]


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