龙珠Z (1989)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 动画  动作  冒险
  • 片       名龙珠Z
  • 上映时间1989年04月26日
  • 导       演 Minoru Oka...
  • 剧       情
    故事发生於《七龙珠》后五年的世界,讲述孙悟空和同伴保卫地球的故事。 悟空的哥哥拉帝兹来到地球,透露了悟空原是战斗民族赛亚人的身份。悟空和比克大魔王联手对抗,然而因为双方战斗力的差距而落於苦战。孙悟空的儿子孙悟饭在关键时刻爆发强大战斗力重创拉帝兹。悟空最终决定以同归於尽的方式,在拉...


  • [to an android] Vegeta: If you give up now I promise to turn you into something useful, like a toaster or a washing machine. Raditz: [to a wounded Piccolo] Why so blue, green man? Is it because you're powerless to help your friend, or 'cause you're just plain ugly? Frieza: [after blowing up Krillin] Pop goes the weasel! Vegeta: [after killing Android 19] Too Bad! I only wish that there was a junkyard, so could give him a proper burial. Super Buu: So, hot - shot, you want to fight Majin Buu? Mystic Gohan: Fight you? No, I want to destroy you. Vegeta: No! My only target is Kakarot! I couldn't care less about your quarrel with the Kai! Bibidi: What? By every fiber in your body I command you Vegeta! Kill the Kai! Vegeta: NO! You may have taken over my mind and my body, but there's one thing a Saiyan always keeps: his PRIDE! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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