杀人番茄回归 (1988)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  喜剧  恐怖
  • 片       名杀人番茄回归
  • 导       演 John De Be...


  • Chad Finletter: The girl of my dreams is a vegetable! Tara: They are gardeners and carpenters, they are not tomato men. Matt Stevens: That's the bravest thing I've ever seen a vegetable do. Professor Gangreen: Igor! Come! [a handsome blonde man enters] Igor: Sir, I am happy to respond to your call and... Professor Gangrene: Oh cut it out! I know you're only hanging around here until something opens up in the TV news field, but do you know how embarrassing it is that a villain of MY stature has an assistant that looks like you? Professor Gangreen: Tara is missing! I have worked for years, months, days, minutes, SECONDS to create the perfect woman! Matt Stevens: [sings] Oh Rosanna don't ya cry for me. Cos I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee. I do not know the rest of the words, I think I'll make them up. I'm going to walk into my home and wake my best friend up. Jim Richardson: [to camera] I will not be mocked any longer! I was the star in the first picture, how dare you give me two lousy lines in this picture! I want my agent, I want my publicist, I... [Finletter knocks him out] Shopper: Valerian root powder! Professor Gangrene: My tomatoes can be made to look like anyone. A police chief, a congress man... the president himself! We... will... not... fail... AGAIN! Matt Stevens: Product placement! Charles White: Cut it! Cut it! Cut it! Save the film, strike the broad and kill the babies. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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