Garfield: His 9 Lives (1988)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动画  冒险  喜剧
Garfield: His 9 Lives
  • 片       名Garfield: His 9...
  • 上映时间1988年11月22日(美国)
  • 导       演 Phil Roman


  • Creator: Nice job staff, you've created the perfect animal: cat. However there is one finishing touch, give it nine lives! [all exclaim] Man: Why nine lives? Woman: Everyone else only gets one life! Creator: Let's just say it'll make for an interesting storyline. Garfield: I like to think I'll live forever, but I'm only human. Creator: I feel like creating cat today. Garfield's Mom: [to the cook] You can't take him away! Garfield: Aw come on Mom, I'm a big boy, I'm five minutes old. Garfield: To this day, every time I look at a test tube, I throw up. Garfield: My third life was my favorite, my body grew old, but I never, never, never grew up. Garfield: I learned to think on my feet in my fourth life, thinking was allright I guess, but now I avoid it as much as possible. Garfield: [as Cave Cat] Who Big Bob? Caveman: Big Bob big! Big Bob bad! Big Bob go [stomping] Caveman: whoop whoop whoop! Garfield: [about Odie] That's not a dog! That's a tongue with eyeballs! Garfield: Where are we? Garfield's Mom: We're in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant. Garfield: Are Italians good to eat? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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