Bill Cosby: 49 (1987)

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Bill Cosby: 49




  • Bill Cosby: Eyes, hair, body, and mind. That's the worst part. Can't stop it either. It's not senility. My grandfather told me about senility, I'm not worried about that. My grandfather said, "When you become senile, you won't know it." Bill Cosby: Parents don't get enough credit for what they go through. George Washington. George's father did not know that this kid who cut down the cherry tree was THE George Washington. All they tell you in school: "George Washington cut down his father's cherry tree, and George's father said, 'George, why did you cut this cherry tree down?' And George said, 'Father, I cannot tell a lie, for it was I.' And that's all that is said about George Washington's father. You don't even know George Washington's father's real name, except that it was "George Washington's Father." Bill Cosby: I was eleven years old. In the projects. August, 174 degrees Fahrenheit. Playing basketball. My mother came out and said, "Do you know how hot it is... get in this house!" I said, "But Ma..." She said, "You do it!" I went in the house so mad, sat down hard on the sofa. Couldn't even breathe good. [breathes heavily] Bill Cosby: My father came by, and I said, "Dad, Mom won't let me go out..." My father said, "You do what your mother says!" And I stood up, looked him in both eyes, and said, "I hate both of you! And I'm running away from home!" And my father lifted me up over his head, and said, "How far do you want to go?" He didn't know I was THE Bill Cosby. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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