Purojekuto A-ko (1986)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 动画  科幻  喜剧
Purojekuto A-ko
  • 片       名Purojekuto A-ko
  • 上映时间1986年06月21日(日本)
  • 导       演 Katsuhiko ...


  • [B-ko works on her new invention.] B-ko: It's perfect... Perfect! A-ko, you're going to die... die... DIE! [The Captain is having D.T.'s and shooting wildly.] Captain: Booze! I need booze! Booze! Booze-booze-booze-booze-booze! B-ko: Spider Shot! [Hurls tank at spider mecha.] A-ko: Spider Shot countered! [D slashes A-ko's cheek.] A-ko: How dare you... How dare you... How dare you scar a young girl's face! Miss Ayumi: Who, why, what. Tank-ku-chi? Consequently it is the "We Are The World" of the Muromachi Period. At daybreak, the H2O is a fermata. Love in your Sigma Z. The path of love is always of the Rias type. To the side! To the side! A tank is passing... D: This is DC138621-S113, code name "D". 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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