Garfield in Disguise (1985)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  冒险  喜剧
Garfield in Disguise
  • 片       名Garfield in Dis...
  • 上映时间1985年10月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 Phil Roman
  • 又       名Garfield in Disguise
  • 编       剧 Jim Davis


  • [Lightning flashes when Garfield and Odie first see an old house] Garfield: Nice touch! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Garfield 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy! Garfield: The dead pirates got their treasure, and we got the candy, candy, candy! Garfield: Halloween is my kind of holiday. It's not like those other stupid holidays. I don't get pine needles in my paws. There's no dumb bunny, no fireworks, no relatives. Just candy. Boom. You go out and you get candy. It's as simple as that. Binky the Clown: Remember kids, if you don't exercise with Binky you are going to grow up to be worthless. Garfield: I hate you Binky! Jon Arbuckle: That's not funny Garfield. Garfield: How about this then? [Garfield makes a funny face] Jon Arbuckle: Now that's funny. Why can't I stay angry with you Garfield? Garfield: Because I'm a cat. Jon Arbuckle: You're probably wondering what I'm doing with this pumpkin on my head. Garfield: What? There's a pumpkin on your head? I hadn't noticed. Garfield: Odie's so stupid he'd have to stand on a chair to raise his I.Q. He's ugly too. It would take two of him to get any uglier. He's so ugly, he wouldn't have to wear a mask to go trick or treating on Halloween. Garfield: Arrr, it do be a land-lubber who be shovin' lasagna in his face. I declare this booty property of the queen. [He takes his wooden sword and impales Jon's lasagna, and then eats it] Jon Arbuckle: Hey! Who do you think you are? Garfield: Arrr, I be Orange Beard the Pirate Cap'n an' this be me first mate Odie the Stupid. Jon Arbuckle: You guys look ridiculous. Garfield: Arr, I've killed men fer sayin' less than that, but I'll letcha live seein' as how yer the only man who'll change me kitty litter. Garfield: Observe carefully Odie. I'll teach you some of the finer points of trick or treating. [Garfield whams the door a few times with his wooden sword and a woman answers] Garfield: Gimme! Woman at Door: Oh, how cute! Here you go kids. [She throws a couple pieces of candy into their sacks] Garfield: Me thinks yer be a mighty stingy with yer candy Miss! If yer don't reconsider your contribution I'll give yer living room drapes a taste of me broadsword. [She throws much more candy into their sacks] Garfield: Thank you. A thousand blessin's upon yer home ma'am. Garfield: Hey Odie old buddy, do you know what Halloween night is? [Odie shakes his head side-to-side] Garfield: Well take that stupid pumpkin off your head and I'll tell ya! [Odie kicks the pumpkin off his head] Garfield: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • That's a night when dogs have to help cats go out and get candy and if the dog does a good job, he gets a piece of candy of his verrry own! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Odie excitedly begins to jump up and down] Garfield: Well, do you wanna go boy? Huh? Huh? Wanna go out and get candy, huh? Huh, boy? Wanna go? Huh? Huh? [Odie gets worked up into a frenzy] Garfield: Okay! Let's go to the attic and find some costumes for tonight! [Odie zooms off to the attic. Garfield then turns to the camra] Garfield: Just between you and me, there're times I love that dog. Old Man: What I am about to tell you has never been told to another living soul. Garfield: Catchy beginning. [it is early morning and Garfield is still asleep in his box-like bed. A logo appears on his nearby television] TV Announcer: Good morning, viewers. Welcome to another broadcast day at WBOR... the easy-viewing, easy-listening station. We begin our broadcast with "The Binky the Clown Show." Have a nice day. [Binky appears on the screen] Binky the Clown: [screaming] HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY, KIDS! Garfield: Alright Odie, I'll kick down the door and you jump in and secure the place [Garfield unsucesfully kicks the door and fails to open it that way] Garfield: Ow! [grabs his foot and jumps up and down] [Garfield and Odie are in a rowboat, floating downriver] Garfield: [to Odie] It appears we're caught up in the current, matey. Put out the oars. [Odie knocks the oars off the boat] Garfield: Hmm. I'd make him walk the plank if I had one. [Garfield and Odie are stranded in the boat as it meanders downriver; Garfield is depressed] Garfield: Some pirate captain I am. I can't even get a rowboat across the river. Now I'll probably float out to sea and never be heard from again. If I ever get back to shore, I'm gonna give up this pirate business. I'm gonna stop pretending to be something I'm not. I'm just gonna be me: Garfield the house cat. Poor me. [Odie taps him on the shoulder, trying to get his attention] Garfield: Leave me alone, Odie, I'm busy wallowing in self pity. Garfield: [examining a bowl full of pumpkin seeds] Hmm. This stuff appears to be a bit of lasagne persuasion. [He grabs a handful of the seeds and stuffs them in his mouth] Jon Arbuckle: Since when did you like pumpkin innards? Garfield: [gags; spits seeds out] PTOOEY! Since never! Blecch. Jon Arbuckle: Been practicing for Halloween? Garfield: Practicing? Practicing? Ha! I'll have you know Halloween's my middle name. Gar-Halloween-field. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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