
Oddballs (1984) 3.4

1984-04-06(美国)| 喜剧| 加拿大
上映时间:1984-04-06(美国) 类型: 喜剧
评分: 力荐

A surprisingly original summer camp movie tells the tale of Hardly Basset, a grouch that has taken over 'Camp Bottomout" because of winning ...更多>


Jennifer: I can be social director. Hardy Bassett: But we already have a social director honey, Billy Wankey. Jennifer: Billy Wankey! He's a convicted child molester! Hardy Bassett: ...and he'll work for free. Hardy Bassett: Can someone call me an ambulance? Kids: You're an ambulance! Francois: Tr藄 bien, now tomorrow you kick me in the nuts. Og: And the next day I'll get kicked. Christopher Watkins: And then what? Christopher Watkins: We can't get kicked in the nuts every day, she'll get suspicious! Laylo Nardeen: I'm not sure I understand sir? Hardy Bassett: Well th... the moral of... the moral of the story is, don't sniff airplane glue when you're young, It... It's bad for your memory. Hardy Bassett: And incidentally I'm having a terrible time with my memory, I cant remember one thing from one second to the next! Laylo Nardeen: How long have you had that problem? Hardy Bassett: What problem?


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